
King Edward Park

Community Details


Argyll and Area


Mike Nickel

Ward 11


Marlin Schmidt

Edmonton-Gold Bar


Linda Duncan

Edmonton Strathcona

Community Scores i

Community Scores

Community scores operate on a 1–5 scale, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest. All results are based on statistics from MLS®, the City of Edmonton Open Data Catalogue, and other sources.

A high Homes score means you’ll find a lot of available real estate listings in that neighbourhood.
A high Family score means you’ll be close to schools and playgrounds, and everything is within walking and transit distance.
A high Safety score means bylaw violations and traffic accident rates are low, and you’ll be close to emergency services.
A high Recreation score means you’ll be close to sports and recreation areas.
A high Lifestyle score means you’ll be close to shopping and entertainment.

Real Estate:
Safety Services:
$455,000 Average Listing Pricei

Average Listing Price

"Average Listing Price" is the average list price of all residential properties listed on the MLS® System in a given neighbourhood and includes condominiums, townhomes and single family detached homes. This is a market figure only and variations may not indicate a change in the price for any particular property.

$76,000 Average Household Income

King Edward Park is a residential neighborhood in south east Edmonton, Alberta, bound on the north by Whyte Avenue, on the east by 71 Street and on the south by 76 Avenue. On the west, the neighborhood overlooks the Mill Creek Ravine. Whyte Avenue provides access to the night life and shopping in Old Strathcona as well as the main campus of the University of Alberta.

If you are looking for real estate in King Edward Park, single-detached housing accounts for just over 50 percent of the structures in King Edward Park, and one-quarter of the neighbourhood’s dwelling units are found in low-rise apartments, with the remainder of multi-unit homes located in semi-detached residences and row housing.

King Edward Park continues to develop today as it’s western border is formed by the Mill Creek Ravine, which gives residents excellent access to natural amenity space. Retail businesses and services are located at the nearby Bonnie Doon Mall, and additional commercial amenities are located along Whyte Avenue and in the area east of 75th Street.

For current listings in King Edward Park, please click here or call a member of our team now. We know KING EDWARD PARK! C’est notre coin!

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